On Sunday James and I had a wonderful visit with my sister-in-law Ashley and her three little girls. I've heard her and my brother talk about how their girls think they are little princesses, and I am here to tell you all that it is true! These beautiful girls are so full of sugar and spice and everything nice that it makes me think whoever wrote that poem must have known my nieces would come into this world, and created that poem as a tribute to them. They were so fun to play with, talk to, and share excitement in such little things that others would consider trivial. They all came over in the afternoon when the sun was shining brightly into our apartment. There was a cool breeze blowing so I had the sliding glass door open to let in some fresh air. After a couple of hours the sun became too much, so I walked over and closed the door and the blinds. Sweet little Brooklyne, with all the innocence and gratitude she could muster, looked at me and said "Oh, thank you!" I had to laugh. She's three years old, but definitely appreciates the coolness of shade upon her beautiful face.
After dinner the girls wanted to watch a movie. So we pulled out all the movies I own and had a grand time of deciding which one to watch. The girls were ecstatic to see that I had Beauty and the Beast. Brooklyne couldn't wait to watch it; she was so excited. Madison, however, stuck out her bottom lip in the most heart-melting pout you have ever seen and said "You don't have Cinderella? I wanted to watch a princess movie." Again, I had to laugh. Of all the movies I have (and mind you, I have quite a bit - especially kid friendly movies) she was sad that we didn't have Cinderella. But she handled herself so gracefully as she quickly beamed a bright smile and joined her younger sister on the couch to watch the one movie Ashley told me they didn't have. At least they were happy.
And so was James when Ashley and I went into the study to work on some new blog templates (keep an eye out for some updates soon) and he was able to play with the girls and get them good and tired out. They wrestled, they ran, they screamed for joy, and they made a genuine ruckus! But it was so fun to hear them all laughing together. Ashley and I got to play with Tristan who, I am convinced, does not know what crying is...though Ashley tries to assure me otherwise. I have never seen a happier baby! And all I wanted to do was play with her and make her laugh so I could see her beautiful blue eyes twinkle so fiercely. I wish they didn't have to go, because I truly consider that Sunday to be one of the best days I have had in a very long time.
How cute are they?! Although, I have to say your other niece is pretty cute too. I'll have to send you some pictures of Elinor so you can go bragging on her :) I love your blog - you should give us a call sometime. Love, Lucy.
I'm glad we were able to spend such a fun evening at your place!!
I didn't even think to get a copy of the crazy pictures James took of the girls! (So I'll have to try to get a copy later!)
Thanks for being good sports with my kiddos... they fell asleep immediately upon getting into the car!
How cute are they?! Although, I have to say your other niece is pretty cute too. I'll have to send you some pictures of Elinor so you can go bragging on her :) I love your blog - you should give us a call sometime. Love, Lucy.
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