Thursday, September 23

The Lonely Limb of Plastic - Part 2

Have no idea what this is all about? Please see the original post HERE

As a new day approaches there is much to do!
Surrounded by friends under a sky so blue.
Hopeful and happy with a life to renew
is the lonely limb of plastic.

No longer lonely, an adventure begins
in beautiful Colorado with many new friends.
There are many new places to visit, wherein
you'll find the (formerly lonely) limb of plastic.

So, who would like to participate next? Be sure to read the first post and leave a comment if you would like to be the next person to have an adventure with the lonely limb of plastic. :)

Monday, September 13

Sorrow that the eye can't see

...and apparently any medical tests...

I'm sorry that I haven't been more frequent on the blog as of late. I have been having an incredibly unfortunate time with not feeling well at all. Today I woke up with the most excruciating pain in my lower abdomen and lower back and ended up spending the afternoon in the emergency room trying to figure out what was going on. They did a pelvic and abdomen CT scan, as well as an ultrasound of my liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Ask me what they found? Go ahead. Ask me.

That's right. Nothing.

I'm apparently in pain for absolutely no reason at all. They think I still might have a bladder infection, even though I just finished taking antibiotics for that on Friday. It could be. Who knows, anymore.

So I was thinking about all the tests and how my insurance probably hates me right now and how many days I lose to feeling so bad and just being genuinely frustrated at the whole situation when I realized that I needed to take a breath. I needed to close my eyes and calm down. I needed to think. I already know I have a weakened immune system. I know that I tend to have things hit me pretty hard that would normally breeze right by others, and I know that I am working with some of the best doctors around to try and figure out my health troubles at this time. But I'm so focused and freaked out on them not finding anything that I don't realize all the things that are being done to try and find something.

I decided to try and change my thinking and be grateful. So, here is my list of "grateful's" for today:

I'm grateful I don't have kidney stones.
I'm grateful I didn't throw up today (there were a couple of times that came close).
I'm grateful James was with me today through all the tests and doctors.
I'm grateful for my dad and brother who came over at the drop of a hat even though they were in the middle of doing something else (I'm so grateful for this).
I'm grateful for the priesthood and the ability to get a blessing.
I'm grateful for modern medicine and hopeful it makes me feel better.

Even though in my heart there is sorrow that the eye can't see, I can still be grateful and try to turn my situation around. Things will get better. I'm going to give my all to make it so. Thanks for hanging in there with me everyone. I am grateful for your friendship and support as well.

Monday, September 6

After the Storm

I seem to be doing a little better right now. The plagues have appeared to be retreating and finally giving me a chance to rest. I have a few small troubles still, but they should be gone soon to lie dormant until they feel the need to raise their ugly little heads again. I hope it's not too soon. I would like some time to recuperate after the storm has passed. The waves are certainly getting smaller.

I am amazed at the growing number of close friends and family members I have who are unfortunately being diagnosed with different types of cancers. This one has melanoma, this one has leukemia, and these two have breast cancer. I remember as a kid that cancer was a relatively unheard of thing in our house, and if it ever did come up it was so scary. The scariness holds true today, but sadly it's not something that is unheard of any longer. My heart breaks when I hear of someone I know and love dearly who has cancer. It rallies us together, but is still such a struggle to understand and come to terms with. For any of my readers out there who are suffering with any type of cancer, my heart goes out to you. And for those of you who don't have cancer but are suffering right along side of your loved ones, my heart goes out to you, too. Just try and be strong for each other and for yourselves. I know it's not easy. I know. But you can do it. You are in my prayers and in my thoughts.

Friday, September 3

Barely There

James and I are not feeling so well today. He's got the beginnings of a cold and I've just about got the ten plagues...or so it seems like to me. I'm going to the doctor today to get at least one of the plagues taken care of. I'm not even going to bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that I am one miserable lady. That is, unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of having radiation - your immune system suffers. I'm still hanging on, but just barely. I'll post again when I'm feeling better.

Thursday, September 2

My Two Cents - A Message From James

Forgive me for intruding on Crystal's blog today, but it had to be done. You see, Crystal is completely incapacitated right now, and I feel it is my duty to inform you all on the events that have transpired this morning.

Yesterday she told you about our trip to Lamar's donuts where we purchased a couple of the apple spice donuts. She ate one yesterday and refused to acknowledge me until she was finished. She said she wanted some "alone time" with her real husband, Mr. Apple Spice Donut. I'm surprised she didn't kick me out of the house all together. I gave her some space. But I must admit I had never seen her like that before...and it was a little frightening.

This morning she was listening to some music on her computer and she decided to have the other apple spice donut while enjoying some classic tunes. As she began eating it, tears sprang to her eyes and she immediately started clicking through files on her computer. I had no idea what she was doing, until she started playing a song.

She told me about the blog post she created yesterday and read it to me, and then she said she found the perfect song with which to convey her true emotions about her new love, the apple spice donut. She began to play it, and half way through the song she said, with a mouth full of donut I might add, "I am experiencing such a range of emotions right now! This song is perfect for this donut. I don't know whether to laugh or cry!" Tears sprang into her eyes, a smile grew on her face and I began to slowly back away. It's a good thing it isn't really early in the morning, or late at night because she turned the music up so loud the keyboard was rattling on the desk and I had to cover my ears. I know she likes to listen to the music loud, but 80 decibels is much too loud, thank you very much.

With Crystal hunched in a corner laughing and weeping, I thought it best I share with you the song that moved her so. I don't think it will have the same effect on you as it did her. I am still worried, but on the plus side I know exactly what to get her for Christmas this year...and her birthday...and Valentine's day...and our anniversary...


Wednesday, September 1


Oh, boy! Do I have a treat in store for you.

You see, the other day my husband and I decided to go for a little drive. While we were driving around we started talking about all sorts of things, and eventually the topic ended up on what we were going to have for dinner. It was still early enough in the afternoon that we didn't feel like we had to rush right out and get something, but we were hungry for a little snack. We talked about all sorts of things, and in our drivings we passed a donut shop.

Donuts, or "pastries" as my husband likes to call them, are one of our favorite treats. We don't like just any donut, really. I think subconsciously we have been on a quest to find the perfect donut for quite a while now. Well I am happy to report that we have found it! Or, at least I found what I believe to be the perfect donut. It is an apple spice donut from Lamar's donuts.

Take a closer look at this divine confection, my friends. The apple spice donut is so light and airy, yet so deliciously delectable with a perfect thin glaze encasing the goodness. I honestly don't have enough positive words with which to explain how I feel about this donut. I remember the first time I bit into it, everything fell right into place. The clouds parted. Rainbows formed. Somewhere a man was singing opera. And my heart was full of love. All I wanted out of life was to be Mrs. This Donut.

This little guy is just packed with flavor! The apple is light as if they used applesauce to make it so tender. The spice reminds me of fall and Thanksgiving, football and family. If you could have seen inside my mind when I first bit into this tasty treat, you would have seen a montage of love, friends, happiness, and family. Ah...montages. Love those things.

With this donut, there are few, if any crumbs. My husband was laughing at me as we drove to the donut shop because of how excited I was to try another one of these blessed creations. I'm a little ashamed to admit that the closest Lamar's donut shop is about 20 minutes away through farm fields and a highway. All the way there I was trying to convince myself that they would be out of the apple spice donut so that I didn't break down and cry right there in the shop. No, I had to prepare myself just in case they were out.

But I couldn't help but think that maybe an hour before we went on our drive, miraculously the baker would feel impressed to whip up a batch of these heaven sent cakes just so they would be ready for me when I walked in. I could at least dream.

When we got to the shop I was so happy to see they had plenty more available for purchase, so we got a couple along with some chocolate milk. My mouth was watering and I swear if I wasn't holding my husband's hand I would have done some kind of happy jig right then and there. I could have even hugged the lady behind the counter...and that's saying a lot!

Everyone should try this donut, at least take a bite and tell me what you think about it. If you don't have a Lamar's donut shop in your area then my heart truly goes out to you for you simply do not know what you are missing, and I apologize for teasing you with my constant talk of how good this donut really is.

I would have eaten the napkin too, but my husband wouldn't let me. I didn't want any of the flavors to go to waste. Seriously. Maybe I am being a bit extreme about this donut, but I love it. It's like a first love, or winning a trophy, or acing a job interview, or climbing a mountain.

What's your favorite donut?