Monday, September 6

After the Storm

I seem to be doing a little better right now. The plagues have appeared to be retreating and finally giving me a chance to rest. I have a few small troubles still, but they should be gone soon to lie dormant until they feel the need to raise their ugly little heads again. I hope it's not too soon. I would like some time to recuperate after the storm has passed. The waves are certainly getting smaller.

I am amazed at the growing number of close friends and family members I have who are unfortunately being diagnosed with different types of cancers. This one has melanoma, this one has leukemia, and these two have breast cancer. I remember as a kid that cancer was a relatively unheard of thing in our house, and if it ever did come up it was so scary. The scariness holds true today, but sadly it's not something that is unheard of any longer. My heart breaks when I hear of someone I know and love dearly who has cancer. It rallies us together, but is still such a struggle to understand and come to terms with. For any of my readers out there who are suffering with any type of cancer, my heart goes out to you. And for those of you who don't have cancer but are suffering right along side of your loved ones, my heart goes out to you, too. Just try and be strong for each other and for yourselves. I know it's not easy. I know. But you can do it. You are in my prayers and in my thoughts.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Crystal - we are going to be in town this week. Are you up for getting together? Let me know! Lucy