Thursday, September 2

My Two Cents - A Message From James

Forgive me for intruding on Crystal's blog today, but it had to be done. You see, Crystal is completely incapacitated right now, and I feel it is my duty to inform you all on the events that have transpired this morning.

Yesterday she told you about our trip to Lamar's donuts where we purchased a couple of the apple spice donuts. She ate one yesterday and refused to acknowledge me until she was finished. She said she wanted some "alone time" with her real husband, Mr. Apple Spice Donut. I'm surprised she didn't kick me out of the house all together. I gave her some space. But I must admit I had never seen her like that before...and it was a little frightening.

This morning she was listening to some music on her computer and she decided to have the other apple spice donut while enjoying some classic tunes. As she began eating it, tears sprang to her eyes and she immediately started clicking through files on her computer. I had no idea what she was doing, until she started playing a song.

She told me about the blog post she created yesterday and read it to me, and then she said she found the perfect song with which to convey her true emotions about her new love, the apple spice donut. She began to play it, and half way through the song she said, with a mouth full of donut I might add, "I am experiencing such a range of emotions right now! This song is perfect for this donut. I don't know whether to laugh or cry!" Tears sprang into her eyes, a smile grew on her face and I began to slowly back away. It's a good thing it isn't really early in the morning, or late at night because she turned the music up so loud the keyboard was rattling on the desk and I had to cover my ears. I know she likes to listen to the music loud, but 80 decibels is much too loud, thank you very much.

With Crystal hunched in a corner laughing and weeping, I thought it best I share with you the song that moved her so. I don't think it will have the same effect on you as it did her. I am still worried, but on the plus side I know exactly what to get her for Christmas this year...and her birthday...and Valentine's day...and our anniversary...


1 comment:

Amy Drotar said...

I love that song! I have the CD in my car....