Thursday, February 17

Remembering and Dealing

Remember when you were a kid and the toughest thing in the world was when you and your best friend got into a fight?

Or when you were playing in school and someone touched you and gave you the "cooties"?

Remember when you had your first crush?

And then your first heartache?

Remember when the only things you needed to feel better were a big hug...

...and maybe some freshly baked cookies.

Remember when your friends were your lifeline,

pets were always there for you,

and lying on the floor was the only way to watch cartoons?

Remember when you were truly, honestly, hopelessly happy?

Today I longed for those times. I longed to be free of the stress, the worry, the pain, and the fatigue. It seems I've been going through this trial for a long, long time and the past few days have been tough. Today I just needed a hug. And I got one. Actually I got three.

From three of my brothers.

It was exactly what I needed.

Now if only I can get some freshly baked cookies... :)

1 comment:

Lanna said...

I wish I lived a little closer. I would bring you cookies every day if it would help you feel a little better. May prayers are with you girl!