Friday, July 16

An interesting find

This afternoon I was working on the computer in the study and I took a moment to glance out the window. There is a tree right outside that seems to grow more and more each day. Since we live on the third floor, the top of the tree is about eye level out the window. It makes for a good object to rest your eyes on, and provides cover from anyone who might be trying to look inside. I noticed, however, something in the branches of the tree. When I figured out what it was I decided to grab the camera and take some pictures.

These are the orchids right in front of our window on the inside. If you look hard enough you can see the tree right outside the window behind them.

I moved the plants out of the way and took this shot. I just zoomed in a bit on the tree, but the window is closed.

I zoomed in more. Can you see anything yet?

Yowza! This was in the tree just outside the window. I don't think you fully understand this. It was right outside the window! I am zoomed in all the way (80x) with the camera and I was sitting at the desk on the other side of the window. Ok, it looks large, granted, but it was much smaller than that. It was probably only a couple of inches or so. But still. ~shudder~

I don't like grasshoppers. It all stems from a really bad experience I had when I was a kid. Any kind of bug or insect that jumps, hops, or otherwise bounces around I simply can't handle.

Aside from the subject, I think the pictures turned out quite nicely. James has a really nice camera that he's been teaching me photography with. It's been fun to take pictures of all sorts of things.

And just like that the grasshopper is gone. In the time it took me to write and post this entry (about 5 or ten minutes), the grasshopper flew away...or was picked off by a bird. At any rate, it's gone now, thank goodness. I'll have to keep an eye out on that tree from now on to see what other surprises it holds.


Tina said...

Oh my gosh, I love that camera. It is amazing. I still the pic you took for me of my cherry tree. Would you please send the ones of the puppies and zack skateboarding. Love you.

Mom Z.

Hannah said...

This brings back memories of the plagues of crickets and grasshoppers in Waco. Remember that house we went to in the middle of nowhere and it took you like 20 minutes to even get to the door through the hordes of insects? It's nice to face your fears though the lens of a camera instead of having to march right through them. love ya!

Chilly Beans said...

Oh, Hannah! Talk about a horrid memory!! That was horrible. Those insects had eaten that entire tree and were EVERYWHERE! They were jumping all over our car and finally, once we were done at that house, we totally booked it out of there. I distinctly remember flying down the dirt road as fast as we could go and seeing the little buggers slide down the side of the car and fly off due to the speed. ~shudder~ Craziness! Yes, this is a much better way for me to try and face my disdain for this creatures, but I still can't look at the pictures for very long. :) Thanks for posting!!