Today is a day to remember those who have given their lives to serve our country and keep us safe and free. It's a day to reflect on what freedom means, and who had to sacrifice their lives in order to keep it that way. It's about the hundreds and thousands of men and women who valiantly defended our country so that we can be free. I am forever in debt and gratitude to them all, and their families, for doing such an honorable and wonderful thing.
I come from a family that is heavily involved in the military. One brother is in the Navy, one is in the Marine Corps, one is in the Air Force, and another is preparing to go into the Army. My dad was in the Navy and I have a brother-in-law that is in the Marine Corps as well. It does mean more to me that so many members of my family are in the military, but I would still feel an immense feeling of gratitude for the military if none of my family were involved. I hope that none of my family members will have to make the ultimate sacrifice while they are serving. We have been so lucky and so blessed so far.
My sister sent me some pictures of her husband who is currently serving an 18-month tour in Iraq. Yes, you read that right. 18 months. I know her and her sons miss him terribly, but I also know that they understand the importance of what he is doing. The pictures below are some of the things he has gone through. Don't worry, they aren't gross or horrible or anything like that. I wouldn't post those types of pictures. These are from a dust storm that arose and for a fire that her husband was responsible for. Take a look.

An aircraft taking off.
I'm told that this was a fire he started. I don't know the premise behind it, but it's impressive any way you look at it.
Here's the dust storm just starting. You can see it rolling in from the right side.
Here are some of the people after the dust storm passed.
And here he is after it as well. It seems to have been quite the storm.
I believe in our country. I believe in our freedom. And I am so grateful for those who have given their lives to protect our freedom. I hope that we can all be so each day, but especially today.
1 comment:
Awesome post Crystal. I love the pictures. I am also very grateful. We are so fortunate and blessed to live in this country.
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