Thursday, August 6

Playing Around

James is back in school now and has an assignment he has to do using the webcam. We weren't quite sure how it worked, so we took the opportunity to play around with it last night. Here are the results of our playing.

I am a mad scientist!! (you may want to turn the sound down a bit)

I am a weird wicked witch!! (you may want to turn the sound down a bit)

I am so sad! (Listen to what James says, and you may want to turn the sound down a bit).


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA!!!! Oh Crystal, I was cracking up. I can just imagine being there and of course you would make me laugh until I cry. And more importantly - I wish James would share his ice cream with me! You are so funny!!!! - Lucy

Gina said...

Those are really fun! The second one reminds me of those giant stone faces on Easter Island!