Sunday, August 23

Mean People

I'm getting tired. Tired of people who say and do really mean things with no thought or care or concern for anyone else. These people are so hung up on their own fears and insecurities that it is projected outward in the comments they make to, and about, others. It frustrates me most of the time, and I do my best to just vent my own opinions of those certain individuals to my husband, knowing that he will listen to me with an open mind and an open heart, and more often than not, he'll agree with what I am saying, which only serves to validate my frustrations even more.

However, the people I am most frustrated with are people that I actually know who verbally make such comments with no thought about how it sounds, or makes other people feel. My biggest pet peeve are those people I know who project their fears onto their children. I think it is a fine thing to expect the best from their children, to hope and pray they turn out well and achieve a high level of success or accomplish whatever it is that their parents weren't able to accomplish. Listen, I'm right there with you. If I had children I would want them to do everything they could, to be the best they could be, and to know they are loved no matter what. But just because I am afraid of drowning doesn't mean that I am going to keep my kids away from the water. It's not just about the physical fears, but also the completely irrational fears that bug me the most.

I know of a couple people who are afraid their children are going to grow up and be ugly. What kind of a fear is that? How are you teaching your children about self esteem and self worth when you tell everyone and their mom how your kids were ugly as babies but hope they'll grow out of it? That's awful! I know of some other people who are deathly afraid their children will grow up and be obese. How are you teaching your children about healthy eating habits and exercise when they hear over and over again about how chubby they are, or how "thick" their arms and legs are? Can you imagine how they must feel when you say those things to their face and behind their back?

I have news for you parents out there who are hoping your children will grow up big and strong and perfect. Don't say things behind their backs, or things to other people that they might overhear because it will crush them, you hear me? CRUSH them. No wonder society today has such a problem with people having even a shred of self esteem or self confidence. What if the child grows up and is not a super model? What if the child has some sort of disease or growth defect that prevents them from having the perfect nose, or the sculpted cheek bones? What are you going to do then, write them off? Are they going to grow up thinking the only way their parents will think they are beautiful is if they have cosmetic surgery? And what about the child who grows up and is overweight, despite their best efforts? What if they have a disease that prevents them from losing weight? What if, no matter what they do, they just can't get down to that coveted size 2 that mom and dad would love? Are they going to grow up thinking the only way they can be thin is to make themselves sick, or starve themselves to lose weight?

It just angers me that irrational fears are projected on the future leaders of our world. The young, bright minds and bodies and spirits have enough trouble in the world to overcome. They shouldn't be weighed down even more by things their parents are most afraid of. Sometimes, there are just mean people in the world and I feel sorry for their kids.

1 comment:

amy hughes said...

I totally hear you! I have friends who'll say thing like that about their kids, while the kids are in the room! They apparently assume their kids are both deaf and stupid and manage not to hear the things they're saying. You can see the kids listening. Drives me nuts!