Sunday, August 23

Brett's Lying Tongue

Most people who know me know that I was a big Brett Favre fan..."was" being the operative word. I used to cheer at the mere mention of his name at anytime during the year. That was back when he was still playing football for the love of the game, and honestly leading his team in unity and teamwork. Now, the tables have turned and one of my favorite people have really let me down. I'm so disgusted with the way he flaunts his "celebrity" status around to get whatever he wants. You want a true story of revenge? Follow any of the recent news stories about this man and you'll see what I mean. He is only out to seek revenge on the Green Bay Packers for signing Aaron Rodgers and not him. I found this really great article from Mark Kriegel at about Brett and his lies. Well said, Mark. Well said.

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