Not only is it difficult to find the cute styles and sizes that would look most flattering on you, the sneaky clothes designers always try to throw a "new style" in the mix to throw you off. When you come across these finds you have to stop and take in the horrendous piece of material that you have just come across. The shock factor is high and we honestly get dizzy from shaking our heads in disbelief. Now, I think trying to shop for larger sized clothing is freakin' ridiculous. I am always embarrassed for large ladies who decide that the following articles of "clothing" are amazing, hip, and a must have for their wardrobes. Bear with me ladies. It's about to get ugly:

These pretty little things are a rare find indeed, yet the site listed them as "in stock". Yes, ladies, these leggings are a bold color choice of metallic silver. Not only will they hug every curve, bump, and abnormality on your legs, but you can also wear these to work! Pair them with a shiny black tunic and some low heels for the perfect day look.

This last gem apparently comes from the same line of clothes the other two came from. Maybe it's the metallic theme that is throwing me off, but whoever designed this should be kicked out of the fashion industry all together! The thing you have to keep in mind is that this lovely vest/shrug/shirt is specifically designed for larger women. Who, in their right mind, would wear something like this out in public?
It astounds me that women will purchase these pieces of clothing and think everything is fine and all is well. But I assure you this is not the case!! No self-respecting woman would degrade herself in such a manner!!
Ladies, let's take back the clothing stores! Throw back the horrid garments they are insisting are today's hottest trends, and dress in a manner that shows both confidence and good taste!! Do I hear the word "REVOLUTION"?!?!?
I am SO with ya! It's rediculous! For real, and it doesn't stop with larger sized women trying to shop for clothes, it happens to women at EVERY size! I NEVER leave a store feeling like I have a perfect body, becuase nothing ever fits right, it's crazy!
And those awesome fad fashions you posted... awesome. I spied a lady walking out of walgreens the other day (it was sweet, seriously!) wearing a slightly cute-ish cropped jean-jacket, went to just under the bust line, She was an averaged sized lady. She paired that jackey with a faded black fitted T, and pair of faded black sweat-ish patns, that were way too short, because I could see her sock out of the top of her sneaker. It was jsut BAD!
It's all around a terrible sin on the fashion industry. I'm addicted to "What not to Wear" and I love how even the skinny girls they have on there have a hard time funding the right clothes, and it's because it truly is a lot of work, and then it almost always takes some altering to get it perfect.
Remind me to tell you about my recent episode with clothes next time I see you! It was bad....
On the positive side, I highly recommend Nordstrom personal shopper service. Yes it's more expensive (I won't lie), but if you tell her your budget, she will work within it using items on sale, and she will even call you when things you like go on sale. I found that because I end up with great outfits that hold up nicely, and I don't chnge my mind on how they look later. I am probably better off than getting 10 outfits at Ross that I only kindof like, or are exactly what I have in my closet already.
One Christmas my sister, my mom and I gave each other a set amount at Nordstroms to get us started and we went together. It was a great gift and a fun experience. when you arrive, she has set up all the clothes, (already paired into outfits that go together, in your price range, what you told her you needed, and in your size) in a huge private room. They do everything down to the shoes if you like, and they are honest about what works and what doesn't. I did it again before Paris and took Shawn too. Years later, I still wear the outfits, and it helped me figure out how to shop at Kohl's better too. ;-)
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