Anyone who has ever tried to scour through their purse, bag, car, wallet, desk, or drawer can attest to the sheer desperation of hoping....NO!
needing to find a piece of gum. And it's not just a piece they are looking for, they are looking for
any piece. A stale piece that has been long forgotten in an inconspicuous pocket; a half piece that was saved instead of thrown out; a rock hard blob that is so old the wax package disintegrates at the first touch. Any hope that a piece of gum is in all likelihood still somewhere around the near vicinity is dashed once all secret hiding places, covert stashes, and haphazard tossings have been thoroughly investigated. I have been in this state for over the past few weeks when my then bountiful supply of gum had been depleted...or so I thought it was bountiful. I'm afraid to say that I lost track of my gum stock and have been miserable without those lovely little blessings from heaven. Ah! The thin silver wrappers, the soft pliable sticks, the cool minty long have I been without! "Gum" was added to the shopping list several times, but somehow it was always forgotten. It would only be after we got home and had everything put away that we realized what we had done. I blame myself, really. I don't chew it quite as often as I used to, but I still chew it quite a bit. Being without my precious commodity for so long almost brings a tear to my eye! But not anymore, my friends! Today I finally bought some gum.

Upon arriving home I immediately placed one pack in my car.
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