Sunday, October 25

The Wind: A Four Part Series -- Part II

"Where did the wind learn how to fly?" - Connor Brennan, 3 years old.

The spring wind: A soft gentle breeze sweeps across my face, softly caressing the worries and stresses of my day. The wind plays along the road, kicking up bright green leaves and fresh soil. The hope of new life is all around, and the wind desires to spread it everywhere. I find myself kicking the leaves up as well, and the wind decides to play another game with me. This time the wind grabs the leaves with a gentle, but firm grip and tosses them up into the sky. Higher and higher the leaves go as a smile spreads across my face. I applaud when the leaves fall back down to the earth, flipping and fluttering as they land.

The wind senses my enjoyment and keeps me company as I stroll along, thoughts flowing freely in my mind like the wind flows freely amongst the trees. The sky is deep blue, with puffy white clouds scattered here and there. As if reading my thoughts, the wind picks up and dashes across the sky, capturing the clouds and transforming them into recognizable shapes as they float overhead. Peace and comfort fill my body. I sit on the bank of the river and watch the wind put on a cloud show for an audience of one.

Later in the evening I escape into the night and watch the stars. The wind has come out to greet me and again a soft breeze sweeps across my face. It slowly pushes my hair this way and that but there is no sign of anger. The wind is my friend in those late hours. I close my eyes as the wind bids me a good night, leaving its gentle touch on my heart and the sweet promise of a better day just on the horizon.

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