Vulture in a cage pumpkin - before lighting.
Vulture in a cage pumpkin - after it was lit.
I rubbed my creation inside and out with petroleum jelly to keep it from shrinking and set it aside for Friday and the pumpkin carving contest.
For the Halloween themed potluck my department was having on the same day as the pumpkin carving contest, I decided to make some homemade peanut butter fudge...with a twist. I had some hand molds that I used to put the fudge in once it was done, and as an added surprise I added pretzel sticks in the fingers so when people were hacking into it, they would feel a crunch of bone and get freaked out. It would be awesome!! Here is the finished product:
Man! They sure do look creepy!!
James and I were laughing hysterically at the thought of my co-workers' screams when they cut into the fingers. It would be so fun, and James made me promise to tell him how it went over.
I also decided to make a fabulous jello salad called Cranberry Velvet Salad. It's cherry jello, cranberry sauce, and sour cream. It is the tastiest thing you have ever had. Trust me! I just happened to have a brain mold and knew it would be perfect for the blood red colored jello salad. I made the recipe and then placed it in the mold earlier that day. By the time my pumpkin was carved, I knew it would be ready, so I took it out and placed it on a plate. Here is the brain food:
Isn't that just awesome!?!?
Again, James' and my squeals of delight at how frightfully good everything had turned out were echoing off the walls. We could not be more excited. We put everything away where it would be nice and safe until the next day when I would pack everything up and display my goods for my entire work to see. Then we went to bed.
The alarm rang at 6:30 am, as it does most every day, and I turned over to get some more rest. 7:00 am rolled around and James gently rubbed my shoulder to tell me what time it was so we could get going. However when I tried to move to get up I was struck with sharp searing pain in my head. My heart sank, my stomach lurched, and tears sprang to my eyes. I had woken up with a severe migraine and I couldn't have been more crushed. Everything, all my hard work and all our excitement, was for not as I slowly began to realize I would be going nowhere that day, and participating in no festivities. I was so sad. I tried for 30 minutes to make the pain go away, but nothing worked. James called my boss and told her I had a migraine and I wouldn't be able to make it in. I tried not to burst out in chest heaving sobs and tears because I knew it would only send the pain over the edge. Instead I took my medicine and promptly fell back asleep in the hopes that it would get rid of my migraine.
I struggled all day with the pain and it finally went away about 11:30 last night. I was so sad that I wasn't able to make it into work and see all the things my co-workers had made. It was supposed to be a super fun day. Our department was decorated for Halloween with a "Deadly Diner" theme and I was so excited to partake of the fun activities we had. But apparently it was not to be. Now James and I have a ton of jello and peanut butter fudge to consume. Oh well. I can't be upset and angry about it forever. I'm glad we got pictures of everything so at least you could see the stuff we did. Today I am feeling better. No migraine, no excessive tiredness, and for that I am grateful because tonight we are going to see Wicked! At least I'll get to do one fun thing on All Hallows Eve! Have a Happy Halloween everyone!!
1 comment:
Oh man! I'm so sad to hear that you weren't able to make it to the party after all that preparations. The hands look amazing though!! And your pumpkin is quite possibly the greatest pumpkin carving I've ever seen. Two pumpkins! It looks fantastic!
Glad to hear you're feeling better though!
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