Saturday, May 30

This man makes me laugh

The other day I was not feeling well, so when James came home he decided to make some stuffed shells for dinner. It was a comedic event, really, because he had never made this recipe himself before. I had made it the couple of times we had it previously. So, he asked if I would read the recipe off to him. I agreed, and an evening full of laughter ensued. 

James is a really funny guy. I remember the first time I noticed this at church before we even started dating. We were talking about something with a friend of ours and he calmly slid in some type of joke. I don't remember what the joke was, but I do remember laughing and I think I said "James' got jokes!" I think that was the time I first started to see him in a different light.

Since then he has been nothing but wonderful, and there truly has not been one single day since we have been together that he has failed to make me laugh. I know most people would think some of his jokes and stories might not be something to tickle their funny bone, but this man makes me laugh! While he was making the dinner he was making up funny little songs, doing a jig (yes, he does jigs, and quite well, I might add), and just being funny. I'm laughing even now as I write this and think about it. 

Anyway, after the dinner was made he asked me if I wanted some. I told him I wasn't that hungry and asked him if he could please get me two shells. He said he would love to and then said he would serve himself some too. I heard him rustling around in the kitchen for a few minutes and then he came back, two plates in hand and handed me mine. I immediately started laughing. Here is what they looked like:

James asked what was so funny, and I said it looked hilarious on the plate. I mean, could he have picked a larger plate to put the two small shells on? It just made me laugh and once he realized what I was looking at, he started laughing too. He said he didn't even think about what he was doing, but that he was so excited to eat them that he just put them on the first plate he could find. 

Aw, James. You make me laugh and I could not love you more for that. :) Here's to you, baby.

1 comment:

Gina said...

It is truly a blessing to have someone to make us laugh, isn't it?