Wednesday, May 20

Hello Again!

Well, I'll be if it hasn't been two weeks to the day since I have posted last. I do apologize for that. Since I returned to work life has become crazy again. Sometimes I long for the peacefulness that was my healing process. I long for the days I could sleep in, the absence of rushing from one place to another, and catching up on Gilmore Girls. I never knew I could like that show as much as I do. Oh, well. I can't do those things now. Now, I seem to be going to bed later (such is the case tonight), rushing from work to visit with family members and friends, working on homework and trying to eat dinner at a reasonable hour (I never was one to enjoy eating so late).

Today was a really, really, really good day as far as my health goes. I had my first of two injections of Thyrogen today. They said the most common side effect is headache, and after a couple of hours I could certainly tell why people would think they had a headache. There was a strange sort of buzzing and pressure in my head but it was nothing at all like a headache, and believe me I know what a headache is! In fact, aside from the strange goings-on in my head and an increased salivary gland I felt great! I wish I could get a shot like that every day for the rest of my life because it was wonderful to feel like I had energy again, to be alert and attentive, to not feel like I had been run over by four or five trucks full of bricks, and to not feel so tired! I am just now starting to get tired, and that was after a very long, albeit very productive day. I was able to get so much done and accomplished. It was wonderful! Both my mom and my sister said they could tell I was feeling much better when I spoke to them. It feels so great to feel so good!

Tomorrow is the second shot (I honestly can't wait) and then on Friday I take the radioactive iodine. Then, ten days after that I will have a full body scan to make sure the iodine was absorbed in all the proper spots and that no new areas show up and then I should be able to get my Synthroid dosage increased. I really would love to feel like this every day. I'll have to see what they can do. Anyway, time for bed! Be on the lookout for more Lil Pig Adventures coming soon! I have had a large amount of requests for this, so I will be sure to get some more of her adventures posted.

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