He's a man who loves to play with my parent's dogs Jelly Bean and Cocoa. He can tire them out when no one else wants to even look at them, and he genuinely enjoys it. He runs and jumps and plays and gives himself a headache and heartburn, but he sure does love those dogs. One day we'll have a couple of Chinese Pugs ourselves so that he can run and jump and play with them as well.
He is always making some kind of a joke out of something...most of the time out of something someone says. He loves making a play on words, so much so that I have found myself doing it as well, though I'm not nearly as quick as he is. He's just so funny. And he'll more than likely do anything I ask him to, whether it's a funny pose or a crazy jig. I love how he trusts me to not make him feel foolish, but I'm sure he does some of those things just to see me smile and hear me laugh.
He has some pretty crazy facial expressions. I found myself picking them up and using them at work. One time I nearly scared one of my coworkers half to death by doing the very same facial expression seen here. It was funny, and I had to explain how it came from James, but still I laughed all the way home that day. One of his more infamous facial expressions makes it look as if he is in the most excruciating pain. I have yet to capture that one, but when I do you'll know exactly what I am talking about.
He's always up for a celebration, no matter what the occasion is. And no matter where we go or what we do, he always, ALWAYS, opens every door for me. In fact, he has been known to push me out of the way of a door so I don't open it myself. Then he'll open it for me as we both just laugh. I love that he does that, though. I try not to take it for granted, though one time at the store I stopped at the door for a second waiting for him to open the door for me, then I realized he wasn't there and I was a little embarrassed. It was funny.
Did you know that he loves to build forts out of pillows and blankets? And especially so on me? When I have a migraine that has toned down a bit, in order to make me feel better he'll pile pillows onto my head and drape blankets over them so that just my face is visible through a little cave. He calls it "Fort Crystal" then laughs proudly as if he has just created a beautiful masterpiece. I can't help but smile at his excitement when he does that.
The man loves hot chocolate, especially on cold snowy days. In fact, if it snows at all on any given day, he'll make himself a big cup of hot chocolate when he gets home. It's interesting to me, really, because I don't always feel like having hot chocolate on snowy days, but with him it's a must. What can I say? The man loves his hot chocolate.
And football. Don't even think about trash talking the Broncos to James because he will definitely be able to hold his own...and maybe even get you to change your mind/opinion. He is a die hard Broncos fan through and through and nothing anyone can ever say will ever change that. Come what may, James will be a Broncos fan for life no matter where we live.
He looks fantastic in a suit and tie, and even better in black slacks and a white shirt. He holds true to his beliefs, his morals, his testimony, and he honors the priesthood. He loves the gospel and loves to serve in the church. He knows the scriptures and seeks every day to try and be/do better. He is such a stalwart example to me, and I'm striving to be more like him.
He is such a big help to me in so many ways, and not just for taking down the Christmas tree each year. Anything I need, he gets it, and I don't even have to ask sometimes. He's so kind and thoughtful! I could mention casually, under my breath, that I was a bit thirsty and he'll get me a big glass of ice cold water. Whenever I have a migraine, no matter what time of the day (or night) it is, he'll get me cold wet wash clothes to put on my face, and medicine to take. He'll wake from a deep sleep just to help me feel more comfortable. I feel like a queen whenever I am around him, and sometimes that's really hard because I don't feel I deserve it...or him.
He is usually warm, but it takes hardly any time at all for his hands to become so cold they hurt. If he takes out a package from the freezer, it makes his hands so cold he has to run them under hot water to make them warm again. Whenever he comes home from the greenhouse, though, he is always warm and he says "I'm toasty like a lizard!" It takes a lot to cool him down after working all day in the greenhouse, but he's such a hard worker and honestly tries as hard as he can to do his best every day. I love holding his hand because I always feel so safe and protected when I am near him.
I love this man more than words can possibly say, and I am so glad that he found me, and loved me, and still loves me. I can't believe that someone like him found someone like me and wanted to be with me for the rest of his life and throughout all eternity.
I grew up singing in choir and solo competitions and this was one song that I sang numerous times. This is exactly how I feel about James, my husband. He is everything to me, my life, my whole world and he makes me so unbelievably happy.