Sunday, December 27

Another year down and a new one just ahead

I went back over my old posts from last year and came across this one that listed my New Years goals I had set in anticipation of 2009. Now, near the end of this year I thought it would be a good idea to review the goals I had set and see how well I did at them. Let's review, shall we?

My first goal I had set was "Get organized". James and I organized the closet in our study and the closet out on our balcony. We were able to get rid of all our old brown boxes and upgrade to the more durable plastic tubs that we got from Target. Whereas we still have quite a few more things we need to organize, it is nice to know that we got the more daunting parts out of the way and were able to organize ourselves better. Even though this goal wasn't accomplished as fully as I had anticipated, it was still accomplished largely enough that I am calling it a success. Yea!

The second goal I set was "Update the blog more frequently". Ask and ye shall receive, right? After being diagnosed with thyroid cancer in early January, I really had no problem updating the blog. It even provided a good place for me to express all my thoughts, concerns, and medical updates for everyone to read about, thereby eliminating the need for me to repeat myself over and over again when people asked how I was, and what the latest news was. I am grateful that I had a blog to be able to do that for, and telling people my blog address was a lot better on my voice, too. So I will definitely call this one a success as well.

The third goal I set was "Keep a journal again". Now that one I didn't do so much. I have a personal, private blog that I updated a few times, but I realized that I was typing the same thing over again in my private blog that was already in my public blog and that caused me to become frustrated. I am happy to say that the most meaningful things were written in my private blog, which helped me because I really am much faster at typing than I am at writing, and I can usually keep up with my thoughts quickly before I forget them. You can't always do that with pen and paper. I had good intentions with this one, though. I thought it would help me relieve stress. However, blogging helped me with that. That was a surprise bonus I hadn't considered before. I think I'm going to drop this one for the coming year. It was a nice idea, but not one that really worked for me. I think I'll keep writing down the important, personal, and meaningful events that occur in my private blog, but I am fairly confident that most of my other thoughts will end up in this blog, so make sure you keep reading. :)

I have plenty of ideas and goals in mind for the new year. 2010 is going to be an interesting year, I already know. I'll be anxious to review my goals at the end of next year and see how well I did. I'll make another post about some ideas I have for my new years goals in the next week. I still have time to fine tune them before I really decide on anything.

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