Wednesday, March 25

Just catching up

So most of you know that I have a cast on my leg which I have had for a couple of weeks now. The cast if from tendinitis on the outside of my foot. Yesterday I went to go have it taken off and it was some seriously sweet relief...albeit short lived. It seemed that as soon as they took it off they slapped another right back on. Why, you ask? Well, the doctor tells me it still isn't fully healed so we need to keep it in a cast (a new one) for another two weeks and then all should be well. I was moving my foot around and thinking I must be in heaven. I think we take advantage of our moving parts, and then when we can't move them normally for a while we forget how great it feels! I was hoping I wouldn't have to have the cast on again, but I want to do what is best for my foot and I am honestly trying to take the best care of it that I can. One of my goals this year was to get healthy. Not saying that I wasn't healthy before, but I wasn't where I wanted to be and I wasn't comfortable in my own skin any longer. I had no idea my path to being healthy would turn out like this, but I know things will get better. It is quite cumbersome to have to hobble around in this thing, but I know it's short lived. I can manage I suppose. Although I am thinking I might let James draw a cool picture on it or something. Maybe I will let the ladies at work (and apparently the ladies at church now too) whip out their sharpies and leave me little messages of love...or hate. Whichever. Hmm, I'll have to ponder over that a little more. On a side note today was the first day since I got the cast on that I was able to use the "handicap" stall in the restroom. I know, a little more information than any one of you would have preferred to know, but I just think it's funny considering the stall was always open before and I never had any issues with it! I'm just sayin! ;) I get to have the cast taken off in two weeks, which is the same day I go for all my pre-op stuff. As my friend Gina would say "BOO!!". I agree!


azufelt said...

bummer about having to be re-casted.

WHen I was a kid I broke my arm, and when they finally took the cast off I stood up, passed out, fell right back on my arm and then had to take me in to do another set of x-rays to see if I re-broke it. I was lucky and didn't, but still that would have totally sucked.

I say let the drawers get to work, and maybe buy some fun colored sharpies, don't they make them in glitter now? Cool.

Anonymous said...

Geez are way too young to be falling apart like this.....just in case you didn't already know that:) Thanks for the update, cast lady! I always used a wire hanger to scratch my leg in case you ever get an itch! I know I'm just so full of knowledge it sickening:) You need to post a pic or two of your sweet cast, is it colored? I hope you are doing good and keeping your chin up...if you ever need to vent you just call on ole Susan B. Love ya Missy!