Saturday, October 25

Husband Tag

Finally!! I have been tagged! How weird is it that I have secretly always wanted officially tag me? Now, here is my chance and I am so excited about this one. Here it goes:


2 - HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED? A little over two years.

3 - HOW LONG DID YOU DATE? 9 months before we were married; 5 months before we were engaged.

4 - HOW OLD IS HE? 30.

5 - WHO IS TALLER? James is.

6 - WHO CAN SING BEST? I can, and I'm not bragging by any means. James does not think he has a good voice, but I love it. One time I asked him to join the church choir with me and he said, "Crystal, I will do anything you ask me to, but please don't ask me to sing in the choir!" I gave in and told him he didn't have to. :)

7 - WHO IS SMARTER? James is super smart. I am always so impressed with all the things he knows. However, when it comes to computers, I am smarter...with everything else, he definitely is.

8 - WHO DOES LAUNDRY? James does.

9 - WHO PAYS THE BILLS? I do except sometimes I give him the money to pay a couple bills on his day off.

10 - WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED? If you are at the foot of the bed facing the headboard, then James sleeps on the right. If you are sitting on the bed with your back against the headboard then I sleep on the right. I know, confusing!

11 - WHO MOWS THE LAWN? Neither one of us because we don't have a lawn, but I am the one who works on the cars.

12 - WHO COOKS DINNER? We both do.

13 - WHO IS THE FIRST TO ADMIT THEY'RE WRONG? I think James is even when he's not wrong. I think I'm a bit more stubborn, but when I know I'm wrong I admit it.

14 - WHO KISSED WHO FIRST? James kissed me first. Good times.

15 - WHO WEARS THE PANTS? I don't like the way this question is phrased. We both work together at our marriage and our relationship and wouldn't think twice about one of us dominating the other.

This was fun. Thanks, Kim, for tagging me. The past couple of days have been really interesting as I realized I have been talking about James a lot and reminiscing about all the fun things we have done, how we met, how he asked me on our first date, how smart he is, how hard he works, and how amazing he truly is. It's really good because it reminds me just how much I love him, and thinking about him causes me to love him even more. I love James! He is the best!!

Ok, I tag Julie, Shalee, Jeanette and Ashley!! Have fun, ladies!

1 comment:

Kim Routson said...

I loved reading your answers, especially since it was about my brother. He is awesome!