Saturday, March 29

A New Resolve

Alright, I have a new resolve to update this blog much more frequently. This is thanks in part to my wonderful sister-in-law Ashley who read it for the first time today. I feel bad because it has been over a year since I posted anything, but lately I have been hearing this little voice in the back of my mind telling me I should post more often. There are so many things I want to say, and so many things that I want to share. This is an outlet I can use to its fullest potential to share those words and thoughts I tend to suppress each day. Not only that, but I have read other blogs recently that are amazing and have touched my life for the good. I want to do that as well. I never know what person out there will need to hear my words, will need to be bolstered by my comments, or comforted in their time of need by my thoughts.

It will also be good for me to spend some time each day thinking about the things that have happened and find some good in the world. I have noticed lately that I tend to complain...OK, maybe I haven't noticed that lately, rather it has been more noticeable than before, and this bothers me. I don't want to be the type of person who is only known for saying negative things, or complaining about things I have the power to change. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

Yes, my little world needs to see some changes and I need to be that change. I can't expect others to change things for me, nor should I expect others to change because of me. So, from this day forward I will be updating you all on my daily adventures, thoughts, and experiences and hope that you are able to see the good in the world that I do.

Have a :) day!

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