Tuesday, November 24

My Thankfuls

Over the past month I have watched as Facebook became inundated with posts and live feeds from friends and family about things they were thankful for. I understood why they were doing it; it was the time to share the things that they were most grateful for. While others were listing their blessings daily (some even twice daily) I resisted. I didn't want to just blatantly throw my thankfulness out there for anyone to read and disregard as they rushed to check on their farm, or fish, or other updates. In fact, more often that not when I saw a status begin with "I'm thankful for..." I rushed right by it, so overwhelmed with what other people were thankful for.

However, I came across this video and had tears in my eyes when I was finished watching it. It is a great reminder of things, ordinary things, that people are thankful for. I, too, wish to relate my "thankfuls" and thought my blog would be a more appropriate place in which to do this. So, here goes:

I am thankful for...
My adversities because they make me stronger.
My husband for no particular reason, and for every reason possible.
My family for their support and love and yes, even their craziness.
My friends because they always know just what to say and do.
My health, as bad as it is right now because the alternative would be death.
My God, my religion, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and my freedom.
And, like the guy in the video below, any and all future opportunities.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Be thankful. Be grateful. Be happy.

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