Tuesday, June 2

Light at the end of the tunnel


The past few days have been pretty bad. I hate this whole roller coaster I have been on lately. It seems one day I am feeling good and having an otherwise positive day and then the next I am slammed back down feeling like crap. I know this all has to do with everything I have been going through lately, but it has been hard nonetheless. Today was no exception.

However, on Monday morning I went in for the full body scan after I had the radioactive iodine treatment. It has been a tense couple of days waiting for the results and today it finally paid off. Around 4:30 p.m. I got a call from my doctor's office who told me they had the results of my scan. They said there was some uptake of iodine in my thyroid region (at least where it used to be) and that was to be expected. Other than that my scan was clean!! :):) They even said "have a nice summer and we'll see you in August." Finally! There is a light at the end of this tunnel I have been blindly walking through. I always knew it was there, I just didn't know when I would see it. :)

I have an appointment with the surgeon on the 15th of June, and then an appointment with my endocrinologist on the 4th of August. At that time he will take some more of my blood (they are vampires, I tell you!) to see where my numbers are on everything including my TSH levels and my thyroglobulin, which will tell us if the cancer is coming back or not. They will also more than likely increase my Synthroid dosage, which is more than likely the reason I have been feeling up and down lately; my levels are not at the right point. I don't think I can fully put all this behind me yet because there is always a chance this can come back and I would have to do the RAI treatment all over again. I still have quarterly doctor's appointments to check everything and biyearly body scans to make sure everything still looks good. However, I am excited that now I can focus on other things I have had to put off while I dealt with cancer. 

Tomorrow James and I will be going back to the gym. This is very exciting for me because I can't wait to start getting some of this weight off of my body. I am going to get a personal trainer and work with him/her on my fitness goals. I have some moderate (and some more extreme) goals in mind and I am anxious to work with a professional who will help me get to those goals. I know it will take time but I am in it for the long haul. It will be good.

I am also still working on my Master's degree. I should graduate at the end of August next year. James will also be transferring his credits over to my work to complete his degree. We are both excited about this because it means free tuition. Yea! You just can't beat that. And we both think it is the right move for us at this time. All in all, it is just nice to breathe a sigh of relief. Things are looking good. :)


Jessica said...

Hooray! I'm so glad to hear your scan went well! It looks like things are finally moving in a positive direction! I'm so proud of you and how well you've come through all of this!
That's so exciting that you finally get to move ahead on all your weightloss and educational plans! Yippee!

Jessica said...

So I know I already left a comment but the "Word Verfication" for this comment is "poody" and it made me laugh!

misskate said...

That's so great that the scan went well!! Yay!
I'm a little green of your getting a personal trainer :) I've been thinking more and more that I need to get serious about my working out.. sometimes I think I ought to get one of those too :) Good luck with things!

azufelt said...

WooHoo!! That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!

Thanks for having us over and everything up there, it was so much fun to get to see you and James again and hang out!! We are working on a special little something for Lil pig.... Madison is in love with her!!