As a graduation present, James is going to get me a bicycle!! This is thanks due in no small part to our good friends Brian and Shalee Fries. They got new bikes about a month ago and talked about it a few weeks before that. Since then I have told James that I really want to get a bike to start riding around town with him, and all the fun things that come from owning a bike. He has walked into the study numerous times only to find me staring intently at the computer screen looking at lots of pictures of bikes. I haven't quite settled on which one I want. It might be one of these three:

The first one is a Giant Women's Sedona, the second is a Titan Pathfinder, and the third is the Women's Trek 820. Like I said, I'm not sure which one I want yet, but when I get it I will be sure to take some pictures of it and post it up here.
Which one do you think I should get?
Congratulations! :) Graduation is a fabulous feeling. Yay!!
I'm no expert on bikes, but the Women's Trek 820 looks pretty sweet!
Hey that's awesome. I love bikes. I would go with the Trek or the Giant myself. Both are great bikes. Our bikes are Gary Fisher's which are made ny Trek, so we're a little partial. But you will love it.
Congrats on turning in the last paper. I know what a great feeling that is!
You should talk with TJ about bikes... he's totally into them! It took him forever to find one when we bought ours (The one Chris has now), anyway, ask him because he loves that stuff!
Hey Crystal - I don't know what you are planning to do with your bike. Are you just going to ride around town or mountain bike? When I get a bike of my own I am going to get one of the "cruiser" styles where the handlebars are higher up and a little farther apart. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Riding normal bikes really hurts my back because I'm all bent over and I like how in a cruiser you are sitting up straight. I could ride all day like that. But of course, it depends on what you are going to do with it. Anyway, congratulations on graduating! We are so proud of you. Give us a call sometime :) -Lucy
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