As a graduation present, James is going to get me a bicycle!! This is thanks due in no small part to our good friends Brian and Shalee Fries. They got new bikes about a month ago and talked about it a few weeks before that. Since then I have told James that I really want to get a bike to start riding around town with him, and all the fun things that come from owning a bike. He has walked into the study numerous times only to find me staring intently at the computer screen looking at lots of pictures of bikes. I haven't quite settled on which one I want. It might be one of these three:

The first one is a Giant Women's Sedona, the second is a Titan Pathfinder, and the third is the Women's Trek 820. Like I said, I'm not sure which one I want yet, but when I get it I will be sure to take some pictures of it and post it up here.
Which one do you think I should get?